Sometimes, the holiday season can be a time of "too much." Too much food, too much drink, too much of material things. I attended a workshop on how to stay peaceful during the holidays and came away with the following tips:
1. Take a plate of food but don't eat everything on it, and don't go back for seconds.
2. Remember that there's no better gift to give yourself than a healthy and stress free holiday.
"Get into others" rather than into the food and sugar. Ask people how they are
doing, what there plans are for the coming year. Interview them.
4. Refrain from foods that are problems for you: sugar, junk food, chips, eating when you're not hungry.
5. Refrain from "alcoholic" behaviors like arguing and being right.
6. Remember that refraining from overindulgence will allow us to embrace a higher power.
7. Discretion and recovery go hand in hand.
8. Take telephone numbers.
9. Call people.
10. Don't internalize hurtful comments.
11.Say the 4th step prayer: "Dear
God, I have a resentment towards a person that I want to be free of.
So, I am asking you to give this person everything I want for myself.
Help me to feel compassionate understanding and love for this person. I
pray that they will receive everything they need. Thank you God for your
help and strength with this resentment." (BB, Freedom from Bondage:
12. Help others.
13. Send cards.
12. Lead a meeting.
13. Make phone calls to people and tell them what they mean to you.
14. Feel your feelings.
15. Plan meals.
16. Name your feelings, claim them and release them to God.
17. Remember that "feelings are not facts."
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