Sunday, April 29, 2018

How Do I Love Me?

How Do I Love Me?

A  How do I love me let me count the ways?
B  Like a soothing wind that gently sings,
B  Like Comorants sailing above the Caspian Sea,
A  Like butterflies on a summer day,
A  Or graceful trees on a winter day.

B  Like a peaceful night that always brings
B  Rest and energy during the Spring,
A  Like the genius behind Shakespeare’s plays,
C  That still inspire  us 400 years after,
A  And make us appreciate Elizabethan ways,
C  The puns that elicit so much laughter.

I value the pleasure of risk and chance.
And move through this day like a graceful dance.

(with a nod to Elizabeth Barrett Browning)

Friday, April 27, 2018

Monday, April 16, 2018

"Five Good Minutes"

April 16, 2018

Choose an everyday ordinary activity for an opportunity for deeper introspection.  Clear your mind of  thoughts and worries.  Be mindful of breathing and of movements.  Be mindful of the natural rhythm of your body.

Emptying the cat litter:  breathed slowly and quietly and tried not to make a sound...swept the area and washed her mat.  Done in 5 minutes without complaining.

April 17, 2017

"Finding the extraordinary in the ordinary."  
The awesome sliver of the new moon last night.  I noticed it as I was leaving Raleigh.
Finding meaning in signs:  The words "Welcome Back" as I drove into Raleigh last night.
The word "Amen" on the sign on the back of a truck.
Green shoots on the crepe myrtle trees outside that were bare last week.

April 18, 2018

"I come first."
I'm putting "coulda, shoulda, woulda" out of my mind and I'm not trying to please anyone but myself tonight.

April 26, 2018

"Just Breathe."
Take 5 deep slow breaths to center myself.

May 9, 2018
"The joy of mindfulness"
Spent a relaxing half hour listening to Jeff Brantley's CD on "mindful breathing."  Delicious.