Saturday, June 22, 2024

 Daycares Have Regulations --

Why Not Nursing Homes?

  • Our country has an exploding population of older people.  And so does Canada.  I just watched a documentary on care homes in Canada which showed a wandering resident attacking another resident.  The gentleman who was attacked died several days later.  In that particular incident, the attacker was led away by a caregiver, while the injured resident was left behind, struggling to get up and return to his room on his own.  He died several days later.  He had been a policeman all of his life, protecting his community and being a good citizen.  Then, when he most needed it, there was no one to protect him.
       The following documentary illustrates the problem.   It's about a family's concern over their mother's care and they document several shocking instances of staff hitting and/or verbally abusing patients.  The documentary can be viewed here:

           I became concerned about nursing home problems when I was molested by a male aide at the Tower Rehab in Raleigh.  I went to the facility to help me recover from a fall which broke my shoulder and caused several other injuries.  I honestly think that the molestation caused me as much, or more, emotional pain than the accident itself.   *******(see notes to detective, nurse, and law firm --- also problem of seeking justice.....................)

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