Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Gratitude for July

1. My breath
2. Visiting my granddaughters on Facebook
3.  The bird feeder
4.  I wasn't harmed when the car was stolen
5.  Clearing my mind
6.  Durham Police
7.  Bok Choy for dinner
8.  Nice neighbors 
9.  Farm Church
10. Mali
11. The words:  "there, there"
12. Churchill
13.  Hope
14. This quote which I think I created:  "The world is full of suffering but also, the overcoming of it."
15. Tolerating distress
16.  Psalm 139
17. 46Female cardinal outside
18. Walt Whitman
19. Terry
20. Spectrum
23. Elderberries
24. Magnesium
25. Beverly
26. the 5pm meeting
27. Franklin
28. Margot is 6 now!
29. it's cooling off
30. NEDA
31. Durham PD
32.Durham Church on July26th
33. "Bless the Lord," oh my soul
34.  Make this day a holy day
35/ All these books:  Black Mountain College
36.  Air conditioning
37. Birdie's letter
38. Morning stretches
39. Freedom from desire
40. Yoga
41. Maybe the car will benefit someone who has a sick child
42. Getting "the Yoke" back up
43. Finding old photographs
44.Christine's prayer
45. I can stand it
46. John
47. Good food to eat
48. The National Cathedral
49. Prayer

50. Patience
51. Peace
52. the power of legacy
53. the peace right here
54. view from my kitchen window
55. Margot
56. Maude
57. Freedom
58. A new computer
59, rest''
60.  memories of the car
62. Happiness course
63.  accompmlishments
64. deep breaths
65. France
66. Story Corps
67. Amy Tardif
68.  Sundays -- a day of rest
69. Wisdom
70. History
78. guardian angels
79. Ralph Vaughn Williams
80/ history
82.the Outer Hebrides
83.  20 breaths
84. Memory
85. Memories of the Church in England
86. the song: "Cloud Topped Towers"
87. the coffee shop in Bath
88. Innocence
89.Lilly Library
90.Rubenstein Library
92. the Pre-Raphaelites
93. Finn for telling me about BLM gathering on Sat.
94. going to bed soon
95.have a rental now'
96. Tch Naht Hahn
97. Rumi
98. Greece
99 my bed
100. safety

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