Monday, February 4, 2019

The Hundred Things

Each month, I try to make a list of 100 things I'm grateful for:

1.  A sunny day in February
2.  The warm sun on my face
3.  A brief walk outside
4.  Reaching out to a friend whose husband died
5.  Offering to help a friend
6.  Friendship of Mali and Morgan
7.  The sestina i started
8.  Volunteering for the NC Parkinsons Project
9.  My book on the mindful diet
10.  My beautiful apartment
11.  Conrad's poems
12.  His wife, Jane
13.  His legacy
14.  Getting a fire extinguisher today -- maybe my apt. insurance will go down
15.  Aruna Gurumurphy
16.  A vegan dinner
17.  Today's chocolate -- i needed it
18.  Seeing Shannon on Wed.
19.  Today's chat with an Englishmen
20.  The twin toddlers Amanda was taking care of
21.  Jonah and his help with tech
22.  Getting forms sent in I'd been dreading to do
23.  Taking my pain med today
24.  Quinoa cereal
25.  Pomegranets
26.  Jaki Shelton Greene
27.  Maya Angelou
28.  Mimi
29.  Anna
30.  Erin
31.  Anna Wilcox and her beautiful wedding that was just SO SWEET and inspired me to write a poem
32.  My docs
33.  Slave narratives
34.  Taking it easy.
35.  Letting go of stress
36.  Deep breaths
37.  Mindful meditation
38.  The memory of visiting Wimbledon
39.  The Tower of London
40.  Norway
41.  Bath
42.  Oxford
43.  Henley on Thames where George Harrison lived
44.  The Beatles
45.  Having an iPhone
46.  My granddaughters
47.  Their parents
48.  Virginia's Eastern Shore
49.  Being a good writer
50.  Volunteering
51.  A Yoga Project
52.  Surviving trauma
53.  Believing in a higher power
54.  The pre-frontal cortex, the executive function of the brain
55.  Sundance Now movies
56.  Justice
57.  Forgiveness
58.  Warmth
59.  Help
60.  Galen
61.  Samantha
62.  Being non-judgmental
63.  Writing a poem for Conrad
64.  Wanting to visit Martha's Vineyard
65,  A willingness to be open minded
66.  Mali
67.  Not looking at Facebook today
68.  Relaxing tonight
69.  Feeling cozy
70.  Chatting with someone from Britain
71.  The Moth Story Hour
72.  Laughing out loud
73.  Connection
74.  Solitude
75.  A workshop to attend w/ Tori amos about putting a manuscript together  IN MARCH
76.  Jane Neumann
77.  Deep water aerobics
78.  A heated pool
79.  Carolyn, an old friend who makes me laugh
80.  Having a bucket list
81.  Wanting to visit Dayton Ohio, my birthplace
82.  My family history -- strong stock
83.  Waiting
84.  Celtic prayers
85.  My iPhone
86.  Having my feet up
87.  A cozy bed
88.  A quiet apartment
89.  Tonight's dinner of broccoli and quinoa and a big fat honey crisp apple
90.  Pomegranates
91.  Veggie burgers
92.  Turning 70
93.  Not acting 70
94.  Looking younger
95.  Longevity in my family
96.  Making it this far
97.  The "third act"
98.  Having a "bucket list"
99.  The Findhorn Community and wanting to visit there.
100.  100 things -- done

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