My positivity portfolio is going to be made up of:
1. Artifacts
2. My favorite quotations
3. Techniques to enhance positivity
4. My favorite poems that I’ve written
5. Recollections of “peak activities” and experiences that have happened to me
6. Photographs that inspire me
7. Memories of important people in my life who have had a positive and meaningful effect on my life.
8. Activities and trips
9. Work related accomplishments
11A.. Artifacts: I have many “found objects” in nature, some of which I’ve had for decades. For example, “bear bread” from Alaska that my son painted in pre-school, a heart shaped stone that I found on a walk, shells that I’ve collected from beaches. Other artifacts include old photographs that I have in my apartment: of my father in his WWI uniform, a hand painted photo of my grandmother, a medal that my brother gave me after he won a track meet at U.Va., a lot of hair from my son from his first haircut 35 years ago; my grandmother’s kid gloves.
11. Favorite quotations: “The critic doesn’t count” (TR Roosevelt), “There is no failure (Susan B. Anthony); and “Be non-judgemental and pay attention.” (Zinn, one of his books)
32. Techniques to enhance positivity: “20 breaths” (The Mindful Diet); The Serenity Prayer (AA); meditative movement (Brantley).
43. Favorite poems that I’ve written: I Am the Sky; Welcome to the Guest House; Soltice Dance
54. Peak Experiences: having my son; being pregnant with him; a trip to Paris; a week-long workshop in dance offered in Connecticut by Pilobolus. Dancing with two of my favorite dancers, Krystal Butler and Jordan Kristen. Attending the ADF fete several years ago after a Pilobolus performance.
65. Photographs: my father during WWI; my father at work; my granddaughter dancing down the sidewalk. My son’s Facebook page.
76. People who have had positive impacts on my relative Dee, who is still spry at 94; Franklin Golden, my minister; my son, always a joy; my granddaughters; Cousin Andy for his love of history; friend Morgan who drove me to the Eastern Shore of Virginia to see a friend with cancer.
87. Activities and trips: being involved with the NCParkinson’s Project; winning a trip to Paris; the World War Two beaches in France; writing poetry; moving to Durham 4 years ago; oral histories I’ve written.
98. Work related accomplishments: week long fellowship to the Library of Congress; grants for collection development; overhauling 4 school libraries and creating positive environments for children; grants to the Library of Congress and to an international book festival in Mexico; focusing on the positive contributions of students; newsletters and news articles about the activities of the libraries where I worked.
9. Books: the Holy Bible; Rumi: Bridge to the Soul; Aesop’s Fables; Treasury of Poems; A City So Grand, The Doughboys