Friday, June 7, 2024


June 7, 2024

Tomorrow I'll be celebrating 75 years on the planet.  Hard for me, or anyone to believe.  These boots have stories to tell.

But first I need to think about healing...the broken shoulder is coming along and I'm glad I didn't have to have surgery.  Good medical team --

Neal, Kerstin, and Nicola.  Plus, Raleigh and Morrisville have beautiful facilities.  Grateful to be here.

Staying home for my B'day.  So much to do:  bills, exercises, rest, laundry, and cleaning.  A thought is to postpone my legal proceedings for three months, when I am "fully" healed, physically. Only did PT once this week.  It's intense and painful.  Will pick it up again tomorrow (Saturday).  Not asking for anything -- I have everything I need.  Grateful for my wonder friends in my gratitude group

I enjoyed watching Biden give his address from Normandy yesterday.   You did good, Joe!  But if Trump runs again, and especially if he wins, I'm outta here!  Canada, perhaps.

Wonder if there is a yoga class around here.  I'd like to attend one.

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