Saturday, June 22, 2024



June 22, 2024

I am studying Dos Passos. who had a close relationship with Hemingway before it blew up.

Library in Maine associated with John Dos Passos.,_Maine#/media/File:Ogunquit_Public_Library.JPG

 Daycares Have Regulations --

Why Not Nursing Homes?

  • Our country has an exploding population of older people.  And so does Canada.  I just watched a documentary on care homes in Canada which showed a wandering resident attacking another resident.  The gentleman who was attacked died several days later.  In that particular incident, the attacker was led away by a caregiver, while the injured resident was left behind, struggling to get up and return to his room on his own.  He died several days later.  He had been a policeman all of his life, protecting his community and being a good citizen.  Then, when he most needed it, there was no one to protect him.
       The following documentary illustrates the problem.   It's about a family's concern over their mother's care and they document several shocking instances of staff hitting and/or verbally abusing patients.  The documentary can be viewed here:

           I became concerned about nursing home problems when I was molested by a male aide at the Tower Rehab in Raleigh.  I went to the facility to help me recover from a fall which broke my shoulder and caused several other injuries.  I honestly think that the molestation caused me as much, or more, emotional pain than the accident itself.   *******(see notes to detective, nurse, and law firm --- also problem of seeking justice.....................)

Friday, June 7, 2024


June 7, 2024

Tomorrow I'll be celebrating 75 years on the planet.  Hard for me, or anyone to believe.  These boots have stories to tell.

But first I need to think about healing...the broken shoulder is coming along and I'm glad I didn't have to have surgery.  Good medical team --

Neal, Kerstin, and Nicola.  Plus, Raleigh and Morrisville have beautiful facilities.  Grateful to be here.

Staying home for my B'day.  So much to do:  bills, exercises, rest, laundry, and cleaning.  A thought is to postpone my legal proceedings for three months, when I am "fully" healed, physically. Only did PT once this week.  It's intense and painful.  Will pick it up again tomorrow (Saturday).  Not asking for anything -- I have everything I need.  Grateful for my wonder friends in my gratitude group

I enjoyed watching Biden give his address from Normandy yesterday.   You did good, Joe!  But if Trump runs again, and especially if he wins, I'm outta here!  Canada, perhaps.

Wonder if there is a yoga class around here.  I'd like to attend one.

Friday, October 14, 2022


Currently reading

Carl Sandburg's Lincoln

According to one review:

"It picks up with the trip to Washington and goes to the end of 1863. Author Carl Sandberg does an excellent job of weaving Lincoln's story into that of his times. As the reader progresses through this book, he is taken to the White House, the battlefield, the home front and foreign countries. At times the narrative diverts into a study of military and political figures and scenes which affect, but do not directly involve, Lincoln himself. The transition is often so smooth that the reader barely notices that he has moved from Lincoln, to others and back again.''

In my opinion, this book reads like one long poem.  It is exquisite, and thoroughly researched.  There are plenty of "Lincolnisms" and my favorite concerns him whittling while waiting for the results of his election.  "Mary, I believe we have won!"

And his quotations are golden.  How about this one?

"If you think you're at the end if your rope, tie a knot and hang on."

Sunday, July 31, 2022


 1.  Stagville

2.Unity Recovery in Philly

3.  Quinton

4.  dogs, especially. black mouth curs

5.  Beverly

Friday, June 17, 2022


1.  the blood moon

2.  my friend Bea

3.  my bro

4.  the Constitution

5.  lavender oil

6.  the Eiffel Tower poetry group

8.  Ireland

9.  hope

10. Emily Dickinson

11. Cape Cod

12. rain

13. friends

14. Erin

15. Emily Ruth

16. openness

17. Tia

18. opportunities

19.  ICA in Boston

20. Boston in general

21. Lennox the boxer

22. Adrienne

23. peach wine

24. tiny fans

25. Carolina Theatre

26. swimming pools

27. deep breaths

28. compassion

29. Conrad Neumann

30. the Otter software

31. ADF

32. forests

33. Unity

34. Netflix

35. Bennett Myers

36. Marriott Hotels

37. Toyotas

38. ceiling fans

39. Merce Cunningham

40. Black Mountain College

41. Asheville

42. air conditioning

43. Virginia

44. Beverly

45. Rosa Parks

47. John Lewis

48. Being retired

49. job opp at Nasher

50. new Nasher pullover

51. Earl Grey tea

52. getting credit card paid off

53. history

54. forests

55. my computer

56. 2 beautiful and healthy granddaughters

57. rain

58. slave narratives

59. soft cozy blankets

60. the forest elephant

61. taking it easy

62. 10 min. on elliptical

63. Duke gym

64. having no car payments

65. warm showers and baths

66. Judge Luttig from Dec. 6th hearing

67. C-span

67. "the music of that place"

68. Alaska

69. zen breathing

70. the Kennedys

71. NAMI

72. the f word

73. mindfulness

74. peach wine

75. being an extravert

76. independence

77. agency

78. walking

79. movie theaters

80. possibilities

81. brindle boxers

82. Tribeca

83. Steam Boat Springs

84. Durham Church

85. UU

86. massage

87. hyacinth

88. Laddie

89. archives

90. Goldens

91. Courthouses

92. energy

93. codgers

94. singing

95. U. S. medicine

96. a memorable birthday last week

97. enough money

98. enough food

99. being enough

100. Olivia and Sharon